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Aiolis, Elaia, 2nd-1st century BC. AE 12mm (3.37g). Head of Kore-Persephone right, corn wreath in ha..
Aiolis, Elaia. ca 340-300 BC. AE 18mm (5.98g). Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian helme..
Aiolis, Elaia. ca 350-300 BC. AE 10mm (1.32g). Head of Athena left, wearing crested Athenian helmet ..
Aiolis, Elaia, ca 3rd century BC. AE 12mm (1.70g). Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian h..
Aiolis, Kyme. 320-250 BC. AE 17mm (3.80g). Farsalos, magistrate. ΦΑΡΣΑΛΟΣ, eagle standing righ..
Aiolis, Kyme. 350-320 BC. AE 17mm (4.02g). Eagle standing right (no magistrate) / K-Y, vase.&n..
Aiolis, Kyme. ca 350 BC. AE 9mm (0.82g). Eagle standing right, wings closed / K-Y on either side of ..
Aiolis, Kyme. ca 350 BC. AE 9mm (0.94g). Eagle standing right, wings closed / K-Y on either side of ..
Aiolis, Kyme, ca 4th-3rd century BC. AE 16mm (3.64g). Forepart of horse right, ΠΥΘΟΝΙΚΟΣ..
Aiolis, Larisa Phrikonis. 4th century BC. AE 11mm (0.87g). Laureate head of Apollo right..
Aiolis, Larisa Phrikonis. 4th century BC. AE 9mm (0.84g). Horned female head (Nymph Lari..
Aiolis, Myrina. ca 300 BC. AE 9mm (0.95g). Head of Athena left, wearing a crested helmet / M-Y..
Aiolis, Temnos, ca 3rd century BC. AE 11mm (1.40g). Head of young Dionysos right, wearin..
Aiolis, Tisna, 350-300 BC. AE 16mm (4.18g). Horned head of young river-god Tisnaios left..
Asia Minor Uncertain. 5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (6mm, 0.33g). Head of Athena right, wearing Korint..
Celts, Central Europe, the Boii. ca 1st century BC. AR Fraction (9mm, 0.79g). Roseldorf II type. Str..
Spain, Gadir (Gades). 2nd century BC. AE 25mm (10.84g). Head of Melqart (Herakles) left,..
Iberia, Kastilo (Castulo). Late 2nd century BC. AE 25mm (11.00g). Diademed male head rig..
Ionia, Erythrai. 4th century BC. AE 12mm (1.86g). Asklepiades, magistrate. Head of Herakles right, w..
Ionia, Erythrai. ca 133-30 BC. AE 12mm (1.86g). Menkrates Agathonos, magistrate. Helmete..
Ionia, Kolophon. 390-350 BC. AR Diobol (11mm, 0.91g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyr..
Ionia, Kolophon. 390-350 BC. AR Diobol (11mm, 0.96g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyr..
Ionia, Kolophon, 390-350 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 0.94g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Lyr..
Ionia, Kolophon. ca 330-285 BC. AE 13mm (1.95g). Dionysodoros, magistrate. Laureate head of Ap..
Ionia, Kolophon, ca 330-285 BC. AE 14mm (1.86g). Ermothes, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo..
Ionia, Kolophon (Colophon), ca 389-350 BC. AE 12mm (2.17g). Laureate head of Apollo righ..
Ionia, Leukai. ca 350-300 BC. AE 10mm (1.34g). Demetrios, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo left /..
Ionia, Leukai. ca 350-300 BC. AE 12mm (1.41g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Swan standing le..
Ionia, Magnesia. ca 4th century BC. AE 8mm (0.95g). Laureate head of Apollo left / Forepart of bull ..
Ionia, Phokaia. 4th-3rd century BC. AE 12 mm (1.68g). Female head (Aphrodite?) left, with hair in sp..
Ionai, Phokaia. ca 350-300 BC. AE 11mm (1.34g). Head of Nymph Phokaia left, hair in sphendone / Head..
Ionia, Teos. 3rd-2nd century BC. AE 13mm (2.05g). Demos (?), magistrate. Griffin sitting..
Ionia, Teos. ca 478-449 BC. AR Tetartemorion (8mm, 0.22g). Griffin seated right / Quadripartite incu..
Ionia, Uncertain. ca 450 BC. AE 7mm (0.56g). Female head right, hair in sakkos / Quadripartite incus..
Karia, Halikarnassos. ca 450-400 BC. AR Persic Hemiobol (8mm, 0.36g). Head of ram right / Male head ..
Karia, Kaunos. ca 300-250 BC. AE 12mm (1.22g). Bull butting right on ground line / K-AY, sphinx seat..
Karia, Rhodes. ca 188-84 BC. AE 11mm (1.36g). “Plinthophoric” coinage. Radiate head of H..
Kilikia (Cilicia), Soloi. ca 385-350 BC. AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.32g). Helmeted head of Athe..
Kilikia (Cilicia), Aigeai. 2nd-1st century BC. AE 21mm (4.87g). Laureate head of Zeus ri..
Kilikia (Cilicia), Tarsos, 1st century BC. AE 16mm (2.38g). Club [no monograms or magist..
Lesbos, Uncertain, ca 550-450 BC. BI 1/12 Stater (10mm, 1.12g). Confronted heads of two boars (formi..
Lydia, Thyateira. 2nd century BC. AE 15mm (4.48g). Laureate head of Apollo right / ΘΥΑΤΕΙ/PHN-..
Macedon, Alexander III (the Great). 336-323 BC. AE 21mm (5.74g), struck at an uncertain mint in West..
Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III (the Great). ca 336-323 BC. AE 11mm - 1/4 Unit (1.43g). Unce..
Makedonia, Neapolis, 500-460 BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.57g). Facing head of gorgoneion / Quadriparti..
Mysia, Gambreion, 3rd century BC. AE 18mm (3.66g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Star,..
Mysia, Gambreion. 3rd-2nd century BC. AE 10mm (1.03g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Tripod, [ΓAM ..
Mysia, Gambreion. 3rd-2nd century BC. AE 9mm (0.87g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Tripod, [ΓAM t..
Mysia, Gambreion. after 350 BC. AE 10mm (0.79g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Bull butting left.&..
Mysia, Gambreion, after 350 BC. AE 10mm (1.02g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Bull butting left.&..
Mysia, Gambreion. after 350 BC. AE 9mm (0.75g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Bull butting left, s..
Mysia, Kyzikos, 4th century BC. AE 9mm (0.78g). Laureate head of Apollo left within circular border ..
Mysia, Kyzikos. 5th century BC. AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.44g). Forepart of boar left; tunny behind ..
Mysia, Kyzikos. ca 500-450 BC. AR Hemiobol (9mm, 0.37g). Forepart of boar left, K ..
Mysia, Pergamon. 2nd-1st century BC. AE 18mm (5.32g). Head of Athena right, wearing a cr..
Mysia, Pergamon. 2nd-1st century BC. AE 19mm (6.42g). Head of Athena right, wearing close-fitt..
Mysia, Pergamon. 310-284 BC. AE 12mm (1.27g). Head of Athena left, wearing crested helmet with..
Mysia, Pergamon, 310-284 BC. AE 16mm (4.03g). Head of Athena right, wearing crested helm..
Mysia, Pergamon. 310-284 BC. AE 11mm (1.08g). Helmeted head of Athena right / Two stars, Θ above, ΠΕ..
Mysia, Pergamon. ca 133-27 BC. AE 21mm (7.80g). Laureate head of bearded Asklepios right / Eagle sta..
Mysia, Pergamon, ca 310-283 BC. AR Diobol (10mm, 1.12g). Head of young Herakles right, wearing..
Mysia, Pergamon. ca 350 BC. AE 8mm (0.71g). Laureate head of Apollo right / Two bulls' heads c..
Mysia, Pergamon, Regal Issue (Pergamene Kingdom), 288-133 BC. AE 14mm (1.79g). Head of Athena ..
Mysia, Pitane. 4th century BC. AE 16mm (3.35g). Horned head of Zeus Ammon right / Pentagram, pellet ..
Orontes, Satrap of Mysia, ca 357-352 BC. AE 10mm (1.60g), struck in Adramytteion. Laureate head of Z..
Phoenicia, Sidon. King Abd’Eshmunm ca 410-400 BC. AR 1/16 Shekel (0.51g, 9mm). War galley in f..
Phrygia, Eumeneia. ca 200-133 BC. AE15 (3.94g). Laureate head of Zeus right / ΕΥΜΕ-ΝΕΩΝ, legend in t..
Pisidia, Etenna. 1st century BC. AE 14mm (2.16g). Two male figures side-by-side brandish..
Pisidia, Selge. 2nd-1st century BC. AE 13mm (2.29g). Head of bearded Herakles right, club over shoul..
Pontos, Amisos, late 2nd - early 1st century BC (time of Mithradates VI). AE 19mm (7.85g).&nbs..
Pontos, Amisos. ca 85-65 BC. AE 21mm (7.52g). Wreathed head of Mithradates VI as young Dionyso..
Antiochos II Theos, 261-246 BC. AE 16mm (3.34g). Antiocheia ad Orontes mint. Diademed head..
Antiochos III the Great, 223-187 BC. AE 17mm (3.39g). Seleukeia on Tigris mint. Laureate head of Apo..
Seleukid Kingdom, Antiochos I Soter, joint reign with Seleukos I, 294-281 BC. AR Hemiobol (0.37g, 6m..
Thrace, Abdera, ca 4th century BC. AE 10mm (1.43g). Pytheos, magistrate. Griffin seated ..